Today, the visitors of your website do
not look for lengthy write-ups about any topic or product, however
important it may be. They come looking for quality content. Now, the
question that arises is, What do you call a quality content? Quality
content is original, purposeful, and correctly optimized information
that people and search engines are driven to read, view and share.
This article looks at some of the elements that your website should
have to be the best.
1. Context and Relevance
The era of keyword monopoly is over.
Google is moving towards analyzing topics and context, not just
keywords. Today, the search engine understands the meaning of the
words and how they are related to each other.
Also, according to Search metrics,
Google’s algorithm recognizes high quality, relevant content and
rewards it with higher rankings. So, your focus should be on
developing content for users, not search engines.
2. Responsive Design with Images and Video
Study after study has found that users
prefer blog posts with images and videos and find them more engaging.
This results in web pages with more images ranking better. In fact,
web pages that rank at the top have an average of 7 images.
3. Length of the Content
It has been found that top ranking
sites have around 900 words of content per page. For a blog, the
content shouldn’t be too short either. An ideal blog post length
from a reader’s perspective is between 1500-1600 words long. So,
focus on developing a longer content.
4. Readability

To judge the readability of your text,
you can use the Flesh reading ease formula.
5. Expertise
Google quality guidelines state that
high quality pages and websites need enough expertise to be
authoritative and trustworthy on their topic. Here, it is important
to note that the expertise of the author is a critical factor for any
content to be considered high quality.
You definitely don't expect people to
spend their time reading content that they already know, right?
People want to read posts from experts who can dig into a topic and
explain it in a way that they can easily understand.
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