Thursday, 28 May 2015

How Php Helps Your Data Security Strategy

 One of the questions that is most important to web development but often not given adequate attention is how the platform or language that you are using to build your website with helps you secure your data. This question becomes all the more important in the present scenario where we have threats to private data from all quarters. In this article, we look at how PHP helps you secure your data.

Data Validation

This is the first thing that should be focused on while trying to secure web apps with PHP web development.

The first thing that should be done is to filter and validate the incoming data as that will prevent a hacker from entering any bad input. The data should be validated in the PHP code. This is one of the sheer advantages of using a PHP web development over Java because users can always turn off the javascript in their browser and prevent an app from validating an input. So, the first kickass way of securing a web app is to hire PHP developers.

Protecting Session Data

A session information gets automatically written on a tem directory. When it comes to a shared hosting server, anyone with whom it is shared can write the script and also read the session data quite easily. Hence, it is advised that one should not retain sensitive data such as credit card information and passwords in the session. An easy way of safeguarding the data is to adhere to encryption. However, that too isn't a completely secured way.

Guarding Included Files

A lot of PHP files are often included in PHP scripts. These scripts contain things such as code for connecting to a database. In some cases it has been found that some developers include .inc extension. However, files with such extensions are not analyzed by PHP. This can be a safety issue as hackers might get an easy access to the data in the app. The safest thing to do is to use the .PHP extension.

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